Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm Not Gonna Lie- It Feels Different

I won't lie to you. I feel different today than I did two days ago. Older. More willing to take risks. I suddenly feel like I'd better be the one in charge, because heaven knows if I don't take charge now, I never will. I had a work event tonight and I found myself shepherding the younger attorneys around, helping them know who to talk to, what to talk about. I took a risk with a presentation that I'm doing. I'm like, sheesh, I'm 37, who's gonna tell me that I shouldn't do it? That's right. As Johnny Cash would say, "Nobody." (Speaking of Johnny Cash, I had no idea that he sang "A Boy Named Sue" until Jazzfest. I even made a bet that it was someone else, but I couldn't think of who. I was wrong).

All you nay-sayers out there, who thought I'd feel just the same the day before I turned 37 and the day after: sorry. I don't. I really do feel different.

We'll see how it all plays out!

1 comment:

nate and marne said...

i know what you mean about it feeling different, even though it shouldn't. weird how that works. although i still think i'm 18. looking in the mirror, however, proves otherwise very sadly. did you have a fun bday? weren't you going to have a party for yourself? i haven't heard about it!! hopefully i will have this flipping baby before you guys get here! i am getting nervous. i had my membranes stripped yesterday, but nothing but worse contractions. i'm starting to doubt myself knowing what is going on with me!!