Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Love You Forever

My girls will always know me for the following four sentences:

I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be

These lines come from one of the best books ever written (really). As you know from my previous blog, I like to read, and I read a lot. Hands down, this book is head and shoulders above. I won't give away the story, but you should read the book. My girls loved making me read it to them when they were small (and big) because there was (and still is) not a single time that I could get through without crying. The story is simple. It is profound. And it is wise to re-read it every once in a while to remind oneself that life is short, children grow, our parents age, and life will never be as precious and important as the very moment we are in, right now.


Sue said...

Cannot read this without crying!! Which makes the boys think their Mom is really crazy ;) But I know secretly they love it too. Thanks for the reminder .... time to read it again!

sarah said...

I absolutely LOVE that book! I read it to my kids when they were young as well. I too have a hard time reading it without crying! Those words were some of the last words that I was ever able to say to my own dear mother before she passed away just this past March!

sarah said...

...the words in reverse of course...from child to mother. I also still say those words to my children when I tuck them in or on other occasions with the older ones. Family is everything!!!