Monday, February 9, 2009

Getting Excited

I'm heading to Paris with M & A this week- getting super excited all of a sudden! Then, of course, I saw the 7.5 hour flight time over and NINE hour flight time back! Eek! What is an old person to do on such a long flight? I could have given birth three times between Paris and Detroit!


"Hily" said...

I still would not have given birth on an 11 hour flight. ;-) Have a great time! Make sure to take a billion photos (goes w/out saying).

nate and marne said...

3 times?? you make me sick. and that's without an epidural too, you nut! i'm glad your child bearing years are over, or i would have to really kick you if you were doing it at the same time as me, and it was so dang easy for you!! anyways, have fun abroad, and don't share any cabs with hot guys!! don't let anyone see where you are staying! just hide the whole time you're there, k? :)