Monday, January 12, 2009


I had lunch today with my friend, Erin. Erin currently works as a nanny. To our lunch, she brought Grace (5 months or so) and Jack (3).

I'm STILL tired.

Hats off to my sisters and brother, who are raising their little ones now. I have no idea how I could have raised babies if I hadn't done so when I was young! I get tired enough raising teenagers- but they don't (often) require middle of the night attention and you definitely don't get a backache carrying them to and from the car.

Kudos to all of the parents of little ones out there- and thank goodness I am not one of them anymore!


"Hily" said...

You must have been reading my mind....I just wrote about this very thing! :-)

nate and marne said...

nannying you only get them during the day, what a wimpo!! yeah, it is definitely trying at times, but i wouldn't trade it for the world. thanks for giving us a little shout out. it's a thankless job most of the time!! and mine love going out. caleb wakes up every morning asking if we can go shopping yet. he's a great kid!! :)