Monday, August 23, 2010

On Births, Parties, and Late Nights Alone

My daughter turned 21 last weekend. We planned a party, and, as usual, I went a little overboard- you know, flowers, too many snacks- the sort of thing that only the party host notices. The party was SO much fun, and about 1 a.m. we dropped the new "adult" and her friends off in East Lansing to finish their night without Mom.

I walked in to the dark house - what a mess!- and sat on the sofa. Alone. I had placed baby photos around for the party, and I started remembering the day that Morgan was born...almost exactly 21 years earlier to the hour (Morg was born at 3:11 a.m.). I started to feel very lonely. I stared at the flowers that I had arranged two nights before (more because I like them than because they were a necessary party decor), and my heart began to sink. I tried calling a friend, but he did not pick up. Tears came to my eyes as I realized how alone I am alone we all feel in the world sometimes...especially when it comes to the wee hours of the morning, after the party ends.

Then Morgan called. Almost exactly 21 years to the minute since she was born, she called to tell me thank you for making her birthday so special. Her call meant the world to me, and it reminded me that even when we feel alone, people who love us are only a phone call away.


nate and marne said...

and sissies are only a phone call away too! i'm sure the party was amazing, if you were the hostess! i am sad we missed it, but there is too much going on here for us to have left!! i love you, and am excited to see you and give you a hug!!

Dawn said...

It sounds like it was a great success. You and I think alike in the whole party planning sense... decor, flowers, too much food is always better then too little food.

You have great girls!! You should be proud!! Can't believe you have a 21 year old. Holy Cow!!

Post pics of the party!!

Anonymous said...

I remember oh so well, the night Morg was born.The ride to Orem Community Hosp. in the ambulance. Saying just breathe Kir, Just breathe..You were so timid and shy, that you didn't even tell us that you were in labor, much less Crowning!! It was a beautiful experience and she has held a special place in my heart ever since.