Friday, November 7, 2008

Being 37 In The Fall

I don't have to carve pumpkins any more, as my girls are grown.

That sentence encompasses my current life phase. I am no longer so busy with the day-to-day tasks of parenting. Morgan has moved out and is in college, and Ashley is a senior. Because Ash has a car and can get herself where she needs to go, for the first time in my adult life I find that I have extra time on my hands on a daily basis. I don't have to cook (well, I never actually cooked much, but I did think about what frozen concoction we should have for dinner), I can stay late at work or go to the gym in the evening without feeling that I need to rush home. I'm thinking of picking up a hobby!


Anonymous said...

I dont' have to carve pumpkins either... but i still do because it's fun...

nate and marne said...

wow, i think nathan will want pumpkins to carve when he's 100. how did you get into the holiday spirit without pumpkin goo on your hands? :) that's what husbands are for, so you don't have to touch that stuff! and these newfangled books and tools to carve with make it so easy, even a wimpo like me can make cool carvings. i am right in the thick of kids, with too much to do every single minute of the day. i need more hours in the day....